The Grammar Cat

The Grammar Cat is my newest pet project (pun fully, 100%, totally intended). It’s a blog that’s exactly what the name might lead one to assume. On it, Julia (my coconspirator) and I explain grammar to the masses in a way many writers and non-writers alike will understand: through random cat pictures.

The goal of the blog is to provide entertaining, easily accessible information to anyone who finds him or herself wondering what the heck present perfect tense is or if laid or lain is the correct word for the sentence.

The blog was started back in December 2012, and so far it’s been viewed from over 100 countries across the globe. And yes, I’m bragging. But really, it’s nice to see that so many people care about grammar enough to bother looking it up, and we’re always glad when we can be of use in solving the riddles of the English language.

The Grammar Cat also takes topic requests, so feel free to pop in and ask away!